Collective Worship & RE
The information in this section aims to support schools to deliver collective worship in practical and engaging ways which is:
- Inclusive
- Invitational
- Inspirational
Support for religious education in schools in the Rochester Diocese aims to help our schools to deliver high quality teaching and learning through the appropriate syllabus:
- For Voluntary Controlled schools, there is a requirement that their Locally Agreed Syllabus is followed (with support from Rochester Diocese).
- The Diocese has previously provided a syllabus for VA schools, and VC schools outside of Kent. The resources for this are still available in the planning section, but it is no longer being updated, we would therefore advise VA schools to defer to their locally agreed syllabus.
- For Academies, it may be that Church schools within a Trust would like to follow the same syllabus (please contact the Diocese if guidance is needed)
Information about some aspects of the wider curriculum which relate to Church school distinctiveness are also included here. For further information, please contact